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Sayonara 2020

Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

It feels like the last time I sat down to write something, dinosaurs may very well have still been roaming the Earth. Guess I finally ran out of excuses so here we are.

To be frank, I just haven’t been in the mood to do anything. Probably a combination of the usual year-end fatigue from the super fun corporate gig and of course the apocalyptic pandemic that’s been plaguing us since the start of the year.

I thought that a good way to beat the sloth-like mood that has descended upon me would be to coax out the overly organised and often offbeat side of me by jotting down a few lists. As a lifelong lover of lists, perhaps looking back at this year in a listicle fashion would bring some chuckles to my otherwise fairly mundane day.

3 Things I Rocked At This Year

1. Doing things I really wanted to

I did just about everything I really wanted to do considering legal restrictions even though le friends insisted, rightfully so, that some of my ideas were atrocious - yes, referring to the time I bought a going away card for the guy who opted to emigrate on VALENTINES DAY.

2. Exercising

Ok, fine. There are some days where child’s pose is all I can manage and so my poor Pilates instructor had no idea that I’m laying flat on the ground like a beached jellyfish when the rest of the class had been doing something that looked akin to NASA training, but in general I’ve been far more diligent compared to other years.

3. Reading

No, I’m not about to harp on about how I’ve read 52 books in 52 weeks. I don’t know exactly what the number is but I’m sure it’s closer to 5 which admittedly doesn’t sound uber impressive but that’s 5ish books more compared to any of the previous years. In my defence, I’m a poly-reader so it sometimes takes a little longer to finish a book since I have multiple on the go at the same time.

3 Things I Sucked At This Year

1. Keeping in contact

This genuinely feels like it’s getting worse each year. Toying with the idea of creating a bot to simulate intermittent engagement. Thank you to all my friend people who put up with this terrible trait of mine.

2. Making decisions

The details of this one are way too gory to fully elaborate on. Although, one joyous highlight that I won’t be forgetting in a hurry is the time I badgered my anything-but-amenable manager into letting me interview for a role I thought I really wanted only to change my mind and tell him that I actually didn’t want the role - after HR had processed all the necessary paperwork for the role to be offered to me. Safe to say that I’m probably not his favourite employee right now.

3. Boys

Refer back to point 1 from the first list.

3 Things I Learnt This Year

1. How to crack an egg with just one hand

This happens every couple of years, but I sadly developed a terrible aversion towards eggs about a month or so ago so this learning currently isn’t of much use to me.

2. The USB cable goes into the port with the open gap on the top

It still surprises me that this works but I think it’ll take a while for the PTSD from years of frustrated fumbling to admit that inserting something into a USB port first time around isn’t some sort of crazy witchcraft.

3. I’m capable of eating an entire large pizza by myself

Super proud of this one.

So that’s my year in three lists. It could be fun for you to pick a list and share 3 things you rocked at, sucked at or learnt this year as a little retrospective adieu to 2020 in the comments section :)

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